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Jinbaoshan Road, New& High Technology Industry Delvelopment Zone, Linyi City, Shandong Province, China

Rock Feeder

A vibrating feeder is an instrument that uses vibration to "feed" material to a process or machine. Vibratory feeders use both vibration and gravity to move material. Gravity is used to determine the direction, either down, or down and to a side, and then vibration is used to move the material. They are mainly used to transport a large number of smaller objects.

Rock FeederClassificationVibrating Feeder Light Linear Vibrating Feeder Heavy Linear Vibrating Feeder Vibrating Motor Feeder

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  • Light Linear Vibrating Feeder,Linear Vibrating Feeder,Vibratory feeder,Vibrating grizzly feeder,Feed grizzly,China vibrating feeder,Ore vibrating feeder-Shandong Jinbaoshan Machinery

    ZSW Light Linear Vibrating Feeder

    Brief introduction The vibrating feeder is used to transfer the materials from hopper to receiving device evenly, periodically and continuously. In crushing plant, it feeds materials timely into the crusher, and separates the materials firstly. It is widely used in the crushing and screening plant,…


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    ZW Vibrating Feeder

    Brief introduction The vibrating feeder is used to transfer the materials from hopper to receiving device evenly, periodically and continuously. In crushing plant, it feeds materials timely into the crusher, and separates the materials firstly. It is widely used in the crushing and screening plant,…


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